March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Don’t forget to schedule your colonoscopy!

High-Resolution Esophageal Manometry in Dallas, TX

What is a high-res esophageal manometry?

High-resolution esophageal manometry studies at Digestive Health Associates of Texas are assessments administered to assess the contractile function of the esophagus. To conduct the examination, a narrow and bendable tube will be inserted into to nose and down to the esophagus. This test could be carried out to help diagnose the cause behind:

  • Esophageal spasm
  • Chest pain
  • Severe gastroesophageal reflux
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Regurgitation
  • Or prior to esophageal surgery

To meet with a gastrointestinal (GI) physician who can administer a high-resolution esophageal manometry in Dallas, TX, please get in touch with Digestive Health Associates of Texas today.

What can I expect the day before a high-res esophageal manometry?

You will get instructions from your Digestive Health Associates of Texas physician explaining the preparations you need to follow. In most cases, patients will be permitted to eat as they normally would the day before the assessment. Patients will be asked not to take any food or beverages by mouth after midnight apart from medications. It is highly essential to adhere to the information and instructions stated by your doctor. Specific instructions concerning medications you might be taking will also be explained. In most cases, your medication schedule will continue as normal. However, in certain circumstances, especially in individuals on anticoagulant medications (such as Coumadin, warfarin, Plavix, aspirin, anti-inflammatories) and in diabetic patients, certain instructions will be discussed.

What happens on the day of my high-res esophageal manometry?

On the day of your high-res esophageal manometry, you will need to come to the endoscopy center 30 minutes before the evaluation. This is to account for time to fill out paperwork and get ready for the exam.

When you enter the treatment area, you will be asked to lie back on a patient exam table. Either your right or left nostril will be anesthetized with lidocaine. We will then place a thin catheter into the nose, which we will position into the esophagus. You will be required to swallow to help open the esophageal area during this procedure. The nurse will first adjust the tube to evaluate the contraction of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The nurse will then gauge the contractile ability of the muscles of the body of the esophagus. At this part of the evaluation, you will be prompted to swallow 10 – 20 small sips of water. Afterward, the exam will be finished and the catheter will be taken out. In general, the process will last about 30 – 60 minutes.

Because no sedation is administered for the assessment, you will be free to exit the endoscopy unit as soon as the process is finished. The majority of individuals are able to drink and eat as usual after being released from the endoscopy center, but detailed instructions pertaining to eating, physical activity, and medications will be discussed ahead of discharge.

When will I get the results of my high-resolution esophageal manometry?

Considering that the computer program will create charts and grafts from the details obtained throughout your evaluation, the results of the test will not be available while you are still at the endoscopy center. Your evaluation results will be reviewed by your physician at a subsequent time. You are likely to be contacted by your provider at our Dallas, TX practice within a week to discuss the esophageal manometry assessment findings.

Are there any risks of a high-resolution esophageal manometry?

A high-resolution esophageal manometry test is generally a safe process. Treatment complications happen in fewer than 1% of individuals. In most instances, such complications do not tend to be life-threatening, however, if a complication takes place, it could require a hospital stay and surgery. Prior to administering the procedure, a consent form will be reviewed with you so you can understand the unlikely risks.

Piercing or puncture of the esophagus is very unlikely but can arise. This could be noticed at the time of the exam, or it may not be obvious until later in the day. Most of the time, a puncture will result in hospitalization and surgery.

It is critical that you contact the doctor’s office immediately if any symptoms develop in the wake of the procedure, such as worsening abdominal pain, bleeding, or fever.

As is the case with any other assessment, a high-resolution esophageal manometry procedure is not flawless. There exists a slight, acknowledged risk that health concerns may go undetected at the time of the procedure. It is essential to continue to follow-up with your medical practitioners per their recommendations and inform them of any persistent or new concerns.

Are there alternatives to a high-resolution esophageal manometry?

To some extent, any alternatives to the high-resolution esophageal manometry will be dependent upon the purpose behind needing to complete the test in the first place. In most situations, the esophageal manometry assessment is the best approach to assessing the muscle function of the esophagus. However, an x-ray image referred to as an esophagram, either on its own or coupled with a barium swallow/upper GI, can additionally enable doctors to assess the esophagus as well.

A high-resolution esophageal manometry study to understand symptoms

In the event you or a member of your family experiences issues such as regurgitation, difficulty swallowing, or chest pain, an esophageal manometry evaluation might help your medical provider gain a better understanding of the concern and identify the ideal way to diagnose and treat the issue. To talk with a GI doctor about this test, you can get in touch with Digestive Health Associates of Texas. As a skilled network of GI specialists, we pride ourselves on taking a patient-centric approach that allows us to perform with the utmost standard of care. For further details about esophageal manometry near Dallas, TX, please call our office to find a location in your community.

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