March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Don’t forget to schedule your colonoscopy!

Learn Why the End of the Year Is a Good Time To Have a Colonoscopy

Most individuals wince at the thought of having a colonoscopy exam. But are you aware that as soon as you get the first one, if it reveals normal results, you won’t need to undergo the examination for another decade? That’s a solid decade colonoscopy-free.

A colonoscopy may not be first on your to-dos list. However, getting a colorectal cancer screening can offer assurance for your general health. As stated by, colon cancer fatalities have lowered for several decades because of screenings.

It’s advised for a person of average risk to have an initial colon cancer screening when they’re about 45 years old. This is recommended because colon and rectal cancer is extremely treatable when identified promptly. In fact, when caught early, the five-year rate of survival is 90%.

At Digestive Health Associates of Texas, our staff is dedicated to offering superior gastrointestinal care. Our Dallas, TX gastroenterologists seek to ensure you receive the colonoscopy procedure you need to continue to be healthy.

How is a colonoscopy screening performed?

A colonoscopy is a procedure that allows for the detection of changes and abnormalities in the colon (large intestine) and rectum. During the exam, the gastrointestinal physician inserts a pliable scope into the rectum. A camera enables the specialist to see inside the colon.

Your comfort is a priority during the colonoscopy. You’ll be provided the option to have intravenous (IV) sedation to help you feel more relaxed. Ask our team for additional information on how they can help make sure your exam is virtually painless.

What does a colorectal cancer screening identify?

An initial screening for colon cancer is ideal for anyone between 45 and 52 years of age. If you’re worried about how regularly you should schedule a colonoscopy, consult one of our board-certified gastroenterology specialists in Dallas, TX.

A colonoscopy exam at Digestive Health Associates of Texas helps discover precancerous growths (polyps) or tissue abnormalities that might be in the colon or rectum. Before you undergo a colonoscopy, it’s helpful to know what qualifies as an average colon cancer risk. Average risk indicates you are a candidate for an initial colonoscopy screening.

Patients are considered to be at an average colorectal cancer risk if they do not have the following:

– Inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis

– Family history of colon or rectal cancer

– Prior colorectal cancer or polyps

– Suspected Lynch syndrome (hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer or HNPCC)

– Inherited colorectal cancer syndrome, such as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)

– Previous radiation to the pelvic or abdominal area to treat a previous cancer

Why the end of the year is an excellent time to have a colon screening

The time for new year’s resolutions is nearly upon us. The end of the year is a great time to book an appointment with a Dallas, TX colonoscopy doctor. Why? Because it allows you to take a step back and relax during the holiday season with your family knowing your health is getting the attention it deserves.

Getting a colon cancer screening enables you to start the new year fresh. Besides, having insight into your digestive wellness is a good way to help align your overall goals. It’s essential to understand that preventing colon cancer starts with each individual person.

Arrange for your colon cancer screening in Dallas, TX today

Our staff wants to help ensure you enjoy a healthy, long life with the ones you love. A colorectal cancer screening at Digestive Health Associates of Texas is an optimal way to start the new year with a clear mind. Not putting off an evaluation can help provide a warranty against colorectal cancer. To schedule your colonoscopy consultation with a gastrointestinal doctor in Dallas, TX, please contact our team today.

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