A Closer Look At Crohn's Disease


At Digestive Health Associates of Texas, our discussions with patients often revolve around Crohn's disease, a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This chronic ailment predominantly impacts the digestive system, most notably the small intestine and colon. Those suffering from Crohn's disease typically go through a pattern of intense symptoms followed by periods of remission. Gaining a thorough understanding of Crohn's disease and obtaining care from our expert digestive disease providers in Dallas, TX is essential for effective management. Read on to learn more about this common gastrointestinal condition.

How prevalent is Crohn's disease?

A frequent question we encounter is how prevalent Crohn's disease is. In the U.S., approximately 1 in 100 people are affected by it, with men and women being equally at risk. The disease is most often diagnosed in individuals aged between 15 and 35, although it can arise at any age. Despite not being as well known as some other health conditions, Crohn's disease is not a rarity. Recognizing its commonality is vital for promoting awareness, enabling early detection, and ensuring effective treatment. Our specialists at Digestive Health Associates of Texas are committed to providing personalized care and in-depth guidance to each patient.

Are genetics and Crohn's disease linked?

The genetic factors in Crohn's disease are complex and varied. While it is associated with certain genetic mutations, Crohn's disease is not exclusively hereditary. The factors that influence the development of Crohn's disease include:

  • Genetic factors and predispositions
  • Environmental influences and exposures
  • The immune system's responses

At Digestive Health Associate of Texas, our team is ready to help you understand your specific risk factors for developing Crohn’s disease.

What are the symptoms of Crohn's disease?

Identifying the symptoms of Crohn's disease is crucial for its understanding and management. Common symptoms include:

Early identification of these symptoms is key for quick intervention by our Dallas, TX digestive health providers.

How is Crohn's disease diagnosed?

Diagnosing Crohn's disease typically involves a series of tests and examinations. These include comprehensive blood testing, stool sample analysis, endoscopy, and advanced imaging like MRI and CT scans. An early and accurate diagnosis of Crohn's disease is essential for effective treatment planning.

What are my treatment options when diagnosed with Crohn's disease?

Effectively managing Crohn’s disease requires prompt and personalized treatment. Some treatment options include:

  • Medications to control intestinal inflammation
  • Nutritional counseling and dietary supplements
  • Surgery in more severe instances
  • Regular consultations with a digestive disease expert

Although there is no cure for Crohn's disease yet, the primary focus of treatment is to manage symptoms, reduce triggering factors, and achieve remission.

Crohn’s disease care in Dallas

Receiving specialized medical treatment is crucial for managing conditions like Crohn’s disease effectively. At Digestive Health Associates of Texas, we specialize in caring for digestive diseases such as Crohn’s disease, offering precise diagnoses, tailored treatment strategies, and extensive patient support. If you're in Dallas, TX and need assistance with Crohn's disease, we invite you to contact us to schedule a consultation. Our goal is to work alongside you in managing Crohn's disease, with a focus on enhancing your health and overall well-being.

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